Helen G  Huntley, Author

Helen embarked on her writing journey, igniting her creative flame in the realm of small theatrical events. With pen in hand, she crafted captivating plays, weaving intricate stories that left audiences spellbound. Simultaneously, she spun enchanting tales, casting a spell upon wide-eyed children at fairs with her mesmerizing short stories.

Driven by an insatiable desire to explore new horizons, Helen ventured into the realm of novels, daring to breathe life into sprawling narratives. Her passion lies in crafting labyrinthine plots, teeming with a vibrant tapestry of characters, where twists and turns abound at every opportunity. Within the pages of her books, she weaves an intoxicating tapestry of suspense, action, and romance, ensuring the reading experience remains tantalizing and the pulse quickens with anticipation.

Yet amidst the trials and tribulations she subjects her characters to, Helen is unwavering in her commitment to deliver a resounding happy ending. For she firmly believes that without it, all endeavors are rendered futile, and the very essence of storytelling loses its purpose. In her realm of boundless imagination, her ever-expanding list of book ideas grows, each offering a new opportunity for growth and self-discovery as a writer.

Helen is not content to merely wield the pen; she thrives as an independent author and publisher. Embracing this role, she relishes in the creative freedom it affords, shaping her vision without compromise. With every book she births into the world, Helen's mastery deepens, and her voice resonates stronger than ever before. Being an author is her truest passion, a calling she wholeheartedly embraces, for she knows that with every word penned, she is shaping her destiny as a storyteller.

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We sat down at talked with Helen about Books

Author Overlord:  Please tell me a little about your Books/Writing, or anything related to that that comes to mind...    

Helen Huntley:  I suppose I should talk about writing. I write whatever inspires me. It’s usually nothing very profound other than an idea, or concept that starts formulating in my mind. It may start out one way and then evolve with other concepts or ideas adding to it until I have something solid to put on paper. 

AO:  What makes your Book/Characters unique?    

HH:  I don’t know if my characters or books are unique. I don’t want them to be like any others, but I don’t want them to be way out there either. I just want them to be entertaining. I want people to read and enjoy themselves throughout the book. I do try to make my characters as real as possible, and I want my readers to be able to relate to them and like them or hate them depending on the character. 

AO:  How long have you been writing?  And have you been able to make a living of it?    

HH:  I’ve been writing for several years. I originally wrote plays for theater and either directed them or helped direct them. I only started self-publishing about four years ago.

I haven’t been able to make a living at it. Probably because I despise marketing and I’m poor. If I could hire someone to do it for me, and just keep popping out the books and not have to deal with it there might be hope of making a living. Until then I’ll just keep writing and squeak out a promotion now and then. 

AO:  Tell us about a memorable moment that inspired a scene/chapter/entire book.    

HH:  I don’t think there are any memorable moments that have inspired me to write. Like I said previously I work off concepts and ideas but. . .

My book Menacing Masquerade was written from something I read in a history book about Julius Lucius and how he was taken and enslaved instead of killed because he faked being retarded. Then twenty years later, rose up and led an army to defeat the enemy. My book doesn’t go through twenty years, and it is in space, another galaxy and I added a love story to it but that’s where I got that idea. 

The sea Ghost was written because I read a short pirate story that was so horrible and badly written with lame characters that it angered me, and I had to write my own with some substance to it. 

The Ghost of Manor Ren started out as an idea for an erotic ghost story but then I thought sex with dead people, even ghosts was gross, so I changed the concept, added a plot and it’s one of my best sellers with five star reviews. 

AO:  Cool.  Who are some of your authory influencers?    

HH:  I really love Charles Dickens, what a genius, but I could never write like him. The depth of character, the plots, the emotion, the descriptions are all way beyond me, but I try.

AO:  In a world where everyone can publish a book on their own, what struggles have you found when trying to get your books noticed?  [Have you gone to conventions, done other interviews, book signings/readings, etc.?   

 HH:  I’m a bit of an introvert. I cringe at being in public let alone receiving attention. Book signings and conventions are out of the question. I read a book called, Marketing for Introverts, and it wasn’t introverted enough. I basically wanted to know how I could market and not have to do anything, but they didn’t have that chapter. I’ve tried a few things and I’ve gotten ripped off by over enthusiastic marketers who are confident they can sell my book. I would think if you gave someone a lot of money to market they should use that money for something more than just tweeting once or twice and putting a few impotent comments on Facebook. I think unless a marketing god falls from the sky and crashes through my roof, then gets hit on the head and thinks he is my slave, it’s going to be a long slow haul. 

AO:  [laughs]  I think that would come in handy.  What good, bad or ridiculous feedback have you received that particularly sticks out in your mind?    

HH:  One thing that someone said about my book Darkness Hovering was that it didn’t have a strong female lead. I just thought it was odd because the book is about a man. 

My readers seem to occasionally have a difficult time if any of the men in my book say something inappropriate to a woman. (usually a woman). If I had to dumb down everything I wrote I couldn’t write. I find it strange that people accept and like books with gory murders, insane slashers, seriously sick psychopath’s, BDSM, sex slavery, etc. but if a man in a book calls a woman ‘honey’ they become outraged and want to ostracize you. 

I have had a lot of good, encouraging feedback and even though I don’t sell a lot of books, the ones who have reviewed usually give me four and five stars.

AO:  I think you're an excellent writer, and those stars are greatly deserved.  What happened in your life that transformed you from a reader to an author?    

HH:  I came to a point where I had to get it all out of my head and write it down. I was too constrained writing theatre. I couldn’t express everything I wanted. Also, there were too many opinions and people wanting to change things not always understanding my ideas. I really appreciate constructive criticism and anything that will help me learn and do better, but not if it isn’t genuine. Not if the motive is to promote their own ideas and opinions, and there is a lot of that out there. It got tiring. I wanted to just write. 

AO:  Here's a dumb question I ask everyone for some reason.  Do you believe in Bigfoot?   

HHI don’t think that do ‘I believe’ is the correct question. I think it should be do ‘I care’ if there is or isn’t a Bigfoot, and the answer is no. I don’t care. 

AO:  Fair enough.  Is there anything you'd like to tell the world right now?  (Such as links/webpages/etc.)    

HHMy website address is authorhelenhuntley.com The coming soon page is my favorite. I’m currently working on Book Five of the Onaterian Series, “From out of Silence”.

Two more books are on the horizon. I have already completed them, but I’m in the beta reading/editing stages of both.

One is a historical suspense romance that takes place during the Napoleonic War called “Deceitful Malice.” It’s loaded with action and suspense, there was so much of that I didn’t have room for the sex, which is a first.

The other is a side story in the Onaterian series, lots of magic, an alien vampire, snake people, it turned out good and is one of my favorites. I had it end in a way that I could do a continuation of it. It’s called “The Gods Who Don’t Forgive.”

I have too many books to put all the links on here, but you can go to pretty much any online bookstore and put in my name, Helen G Huntley, and my books will come up. I really need reviews so don’t be shy.

I’m slowly moving to Amazon exclusively because of the ease in putting out a print book. I just published Ogre Lake on Amazon and was able to easily produce a print book as well as an eBook. I am not computer savvy so easier will win with me. 

AO:  Awesome.  Thanks Helen.  Good luck with your writing in the future.  Readers, you can also find Helen's books directly below this interview.  They all offer direct links to purchase.

Echoes of Betrayal: Dreams and Secrets Book 2 by Helen G Huntley

In the heart of Golden City, where lawlessness reigns and justice is scarce, a lone government agent sets out on a dangerous mission. Darius Royal, a seasoned operative of the U.S. government, arrives in Colorado with a burning determination in his heart: to bring down the ruthless man who preys on innocent homesteaders.

As he delves deeper into the treacherous world of crime, Darius finds himself entangled in an unexpected web of love and betrayal. Meeting the fierce and fiery redheaded beauty from New York, he could never have predicted the tumultuous journey their hearts would embark upon.

In a twist of fate, Darius discovers that Israel Godsell—the man he vowed to bring to justice—carries scars from a similar path of pain and loss. The line between predator and prey blurs, and Darius must confront the choices that define us all. Yet, he is prepared to take down Israel at any cost.


In the rugged heartland of 1875 Colorado, emotions run high, and love is tested under the vast Western skies. Potter Evans, a determined and frustrated woman, finds herself at a crossroads. Her fiancé's inability to communicate leaves her bewildered, pushing her to make a life-altering decision – breaking off their engagement and seeking refuge in the nearby Arapaho village.

        Little does she know that danger lurks in the shadows, a relentless criminal with a twisted obsession who will stop at nothing to make her his own. As the threat intensifies, Potter's world becomes a perilous landscape where every step is fraught with uncertainty.

        Unbeknownst to her, her fiancé, despite his communication struggles, harbors an unyielding love for her. In the unforgiving wilds of the American West, he embarks on a heart-pounding quest to win the woman he can't bear to lose. Through treacherous terrain and deadly showdowns, he battles not only the criminal who seeks to claim Potter but also his own demons, all in a desperate bid to protect the woman who holds his heart.

"Echoes of Trouble" is an action-packed Western that will have your heart racing as you journey through a land of untamed beauty and unrelenting danger. In this gripping tale of love, sacrifice, and redemption, follow Potter's harrowing odyssey as she navigates the perils of the Old West and discovers the depths of a love that transcends words.


In a thrilling blend of sci-fi and fantasy, "From Out of Silence" takes you on an electrifying journey of espionage, revenge, and otherworldly dangers. Solomon Grant, a seasoned spy, finds himself ensnared in a treacherous trap that transforms him into a formidable werewolf. With five years of pent-up fury, he seizes his chance to hunt down the criminal who sought to end his life. But this mastermind proves elusive, leading Solomon on a heart-pounding chase across the galaxy.

As Solomon's pursuit unfolds, he discovers that his adversary is even more cunning and ruthless than he had imagined, willing to endanger the life of a four-year-old girl. Fueled by determination and guided by a sense of justice, Solomon navigates through a mesmerizing tapestry of alien worlds, technological wonders, and the enigmatic forces of magic.

In this high-stakes game of cat and mouse, Solomon's every step is shadowed by peril, and the lives of those he cares about hang in the balance. With time running out, he must tap into his newfound powers, draw upon his spy skills, and confront his inner demons to bring justice.


The Ghost of Manor Ren by Helen G Huntley @helenhhuntley1

"The dark, gloomy manor had been haunted for a hundred years…or so they all believed.   
        No one ever knew what really happened on that day in 1845, when Reilly and Lon Ren mysteriously disappeared. The bodies were never found.
        It’s now 1945, and Claude Wallace doesn’t believe in ghosts. He needs that property for its location and a place to deposit his daft but necessary wife.
        By the time Reilly and Lon are finished with Claude, he and his nefarious allies will all believe in ghosts."

Amazon  -  Books2Read

The God's Who Don't Forgive: Book 5 The Onaterian Chronicles by Helen G Huntley

Odysseus Zym's world shattered when he tragically lost his parents at the tender age of seventeen. Consumed by grief and fueled by a burning desire for retribution, he meticulously plotted his revenge over the course of the next fifteen years. Just as his plan nears its culmination, fate intervenes in the form of Lily Gil, an undercover spy hailing from the distant planet Pendella, with her own life hanging in the balance.

Lily, pursued relentlessly by the Groterian secret service known as the IGH, becomes the unwitting catalyst that awakens Odysseus's dormant sense of protection. Driven by the painful memory of his inability to safeguard his parents, he takes it upon himself to shield Lily from the clutches of her pursuers. In a daring move, the GSM spies grant him a hiding place, buying time until they can confront the source of their shared torment.


Ogre Lake: Nothing to Fear  by Helen G Huntley

1928 Connecticut

Everyone knew not to go to Ogre Lake. Time after time the reports came back of the evil ogre that lived there and what he would do to you. Carina Raison didn’t believe it. She said it was merely propaganda from the owners to keep people from infiltrating their property. It was the perfect place for her to be alone and consider what she wanted to do with herself. No one would bother her. Will she meet the Ogre, or will she find something even more bizarre that no one could possibly contemplate?
        Cawdron Darois a former detective moved to a small town in Connecticut to get away from the crime and craziness of his hometown, New Orleans. He’s content to take jobs finding lost pets and photographing wayward spouses. But to his dismay there is a ghost in house who is adamant at getting his help. In the meantime, he gets pulled into a murder investigation where several wealthy men in the area have been killed, their deaths, initially considered an accident.
        Ogre Lake is a paranormal suspense story that takes place in Connecticut right before the Great Depression. It’s full of suspense, romance, and characters who will make you smile, make you laugh and make you cry.


The Sea Ghost by Helen G Huntley @helenghuntley1

"Judith Adams is traveling on one her own merchant ships, heading for Cadiz, Spain from London, England. The cantina she owns in Cadiz, has been taken over by rebels and some of her workers are being held hostage. Her only thought is to try to save them.
        When her ship is attacked by the infamous pirate they call the Sea Ghost, she employs him and his crew to help her against the rebels. He is more than willing to help her since he is captivated by her from the beginning. She has no idea that Lennox Cantor her childhood sweetheart has set a trap for her. He is waiting filled with malice, thoughts of torture and revenge for her rejection of him. Filled with anger and impatience, he has already been thwarted and outmaneuvered by the Sea Ghost as he tried to reach Cadiz. Lennox doesnt know Judith has hired this same pirate to help her. How will Lennox respond when he finds out that not only has the Sea Ghost destroyed his plans and taken everything he has, but he has also taken his woman? “The Sea Ghost” is an action, adventure, romance, with a host of fascinating characters, set in early nineteenth century."


Reviews for "The Sea Ghost"

The Sea Ghost by Helen G Huntley is a fast-paced, exciting read. Set in Victorian times, it’s a gripping action novel packed full of romance and plenty of pirates too.

Helen did a great job of setting the scene and introducing characters straight away. Early on, you build empathy and a connection with the characters, which makes this even more of an enjoyable read. By building empathy from the beginning, it hooks the reader and I was tied to the rest of the book after only the first page. I was so invested in the characters throughout – especially Judith, whom I felt I could relate to and I’m sure many other women will too. I really loved how strongly Judith was portrayed despite the story being set in Victorian times.

One of my favourite chapters was chapter one because I was really drawn to Judith’s strong personality. After chapter one, everything flowed effortlessly. The characters took the story to the next level and it didn’t even feel like there was a narrator making it super realistic.

It felt so easy to read and everything that happened just felt like it was exactly what was meant to happen. It was just meant to be.

Most of the dialogue throughout felt so natural and believable. One of my favourite scenes was the conversation between Judith and Reif. That particular scene was my favourite of the entire book and made me really admire Helen’s storytelling skills.

At times, I must say that I struggled to visualize the scene. Towards the end when all the action was happening I felt there was a lack of description, meaning it wasn’t as high-quality writing as the rest of the book, but didn’t affect the overall novel too much.

I really like how the story was unveiled slowly in drips and drabs. It kept you hooked to the page throughout, just waiting to uncover another golden nugget of the story.

I also loved how the character of the Sea Ghost had so many layers to him. I found him and the entire book completely fascinating. I devoured it in two sittings! It’s such a riveting novel packed with action and romance; you simply can’t put it down.

Review by Daisy Blacklock
        I'm a young writer of fiction and poetry. I was a commended Foyle Young Poet Of The Year in 2022.
            See my website or message for book reviews.

The Starling's Nest by Helen G Huntley

In a riveting blend of history, magic, and forbidden love, "The Starling's Nest" takes readers on an extraordinary journey spanning two worlds.

On the planet Kasarvis, Torian Starling is shocked to learn that he was bound by a powerful magical bond to a little girl who is no longer in the realm. Determined to sever the connection, he embarks on a perilous quest to find her on Earth. Meanwhile, in 1852 Baltimore, Everly Hunter has her life meticulously planned, seeking a marriage of convenience to shield herself and her dress shop from societal judgment.

When Torian and Everly finally meet, their lives are forever changed. The undeniable bond intensifies, threatening to unravel the plans they had carefully crafted. As their feelings deepen, a jealous woman from Kasarvis dispatches deadly assassins to eliminate Everly, while a string of seemingly random murders terrorizes Baltimore.


Unwanted Legacy: Gangsters and Ghosts by Helen G Huntley

In the captivating world of "Unwanted Legacy: Gangsters and Ghosts," travel back in time to 1935, where danger lurks in every shadow and secrets have a sinister way of unveiling themselves.

Michael Dashiell, a young man who has spent his entire life abroad, returns home to Warrick, Rhode Island, hoping for a peaceful reunion with his family. However, his joy quickly turns into a nightmare when his father is ruthlessly gunned down, mere hours after his homecoming. Devastated and searching for answers, Michael learns the shocking truth - his father was a notorious gangster, and now his killer wants him dead.

Refusing to become a victim, Michael forms an unlikely alliance with a tenacious local detective in a quest to bring down the gangster responsible for his father's murder. But just as he begins to uncover the dark underbelly of Warrick's criminal underworld, a mysterious ally emerges - the ghost of his father, known as "The Professor." Bound by their shared determination for justice, Michael and his spectral companion strike fear into the hearts of Dante Savino's men, tirelessly seeking to put a stop to their heinous crimes.
